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Pro Tools is the industry's first choice for composing, recording, editing and mixing pro audio for music, film and TV. With Pro Tools 12 comes the highly anticipated Cloud Collaboration feature where you can connect and collaborate with other musicians, producers, engineers, and mixers—anywhere in the world—as if you’re all working together in the same studio. Also coming soon is the introduction of the Avid Marketplace where you will be able to share, promote, license, and sell your music and audio work to a large community of audio, film, TV, broadcast, and other media professionals. Pro Tools 12 continues Avid's tradition of infinite possibilities.
- Collaborate in the cloud
- Connect in the Avid Marketplace
- Access your work from anywhere
- Manage and track your assets
Product Name | Avid Pro Tools Ultimate Software With 1 Year Support |
Brand | Avid |
Condition | New |
MPN | 99006559800 |
UPC | 615435496856 |
Shipping Option | Free Shipping to the Continental U.S. |
Avid Pro Tools Ultimate Software With 1 Year Support
Pro Tools is the industry's first choice for composing, recording, editing and mixing pro audio for music, film and TV. With Pro Tools 12 comes the highly anticipated Cloud Collaboration feature where you can connect and collaborate with other musicians, producers, engineers, and mixers—anywhere in the world—as if you’re all working together in the same studio. Also coming soon is the introduction of the Avid Marketplace where you will be able to share, promote, license, and sell your music and audio work to a large community of audio, film, TV, broadcast, and other media professionals. Pro Tools 12 continues Avid's tradition of infinite possibilities.
- Collaborate in the cloud
- Connect in the Avid Marketplace
- Access your work from anywhere
- Manage and track your assets
Product Name | Avid Pro Tools Ultimate Software With 1 Year Support |
Brand | Avid |
Condition | New |
MPN | 99006559800 |
UPC | 615435496856 |
Shipping Option | Free Shipping to the Continental U.S. |